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After the crazy hot success of batman in TCOS:Arkham Asylum,it's approximately completely unsurprising that Warner Bros.Would want a majority stake in B:AA developer Rocks

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Creation: 08/03/2010 01:56
Oppdater: 08/03/2010 01:57
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sdgsd :: Talking about the Daily G

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikkel: Talking about the Daily GameDev net in TCOS - 08/03/2010 01:57

After the crazy hot success of batman in TCOS:Arkham Asylum,it's approximately completely unsurprising that Warner Bros.Would want a majority stake in B:AA developer Rocksteady.So that's what they did!It's been confirmed via teaser trailers that Rocksteady is in the process of working on a sequel to critical and commercial success Arkham Asylum,so the acquisition further cements the relationship between the two companies.Kevin Tsujihara,Warner Bros.Home entertainment group president,said in a press release that rocksteady demonstrated its professionalism and extraordinary development abilities with Batman,Arkham Asylum.This arrangement is a great strategic fit and we are very pleased to solidify our relationship with this talented development team.Meanwhile,at Rocksteady,game director Sefton Hill had this to say that imagine this in a yellow box with black text.The Rocksteady team is very much looking forward to creating more great games based on widely recognized Warner Bros and which brands like Batman.Congratulations to rocksteady.If you have a good high level weapon(The Chronicles of Spellborn Gold)you can kill mostly all with one shot and you will be win.

Big news for PC gamers today is that valve launched some new Steam hotness.The new design is in beta,but given that Steam is used by a huge majority of the gaming community,a new design is totally news.Director of Steam Development John Cook said of the new design.We made hundreds of changes to the Steam client as a result of customer feedback on the interface,performance and functionality.For example,we swapped out the Internet Explorer rendering engine with WebKit,which gives us a bunch of size,stability and performance benefits.This release of Steam leaves us well prepared for another year of strong growth.A rundown of the changes is available on the steam site and well,it's pretty much super slick.Also maybe Mac support?That would make the superior computer users like Mike and you were very pleased.Mark Beaumont passed away yesterday as a result of a heart attack.Beaumont was a 28year veteran of the game industry who began his career in 1982 at Atari.Beaumont since went on to work at Activision,Data East,Mindscape,Psygnosis and Midway before ending up as COO at Capcom North America and Europe.